Thank you for your interest in employment at Horizon Coffee & Water Service.

Fill out and submit the form below. Please try to be as complete as possible.






List your past/current employers over the past 10 years. If more than 4, list the most recent beginning with your current or most recent employer.


The following section allows you to attach a resume. The file to upload must be a PDF, DOC or DOCX file type. Depending on the file size it may take a minute for the file to upload. Use the Choose File button to choose your file then please only click the Submit Application button below once. You will be redirected to a new page after the process is completed successfully.


I hereby certify that the facts set forth in this employment application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification of any of the facts contained in this application shall be considered grounds for immediate dismissal. Further, I hereby give the company permission to investigate and verify the information on the application.

Further, I acknowledge that I may be subject to a motor vehicle report, criminal record check, and credit report as part of the pre-employment process, and while I am employed by the company, should I be offered employment.

Finally, any prospective employee may be required to submit to a drug screen test. A positive result to this test will result in the rescinding of an offer of employment, or termination after employment.

I acknowledge that this application does not constitute an offer of work. If I am offered employment by the company, I acknowledge that the company is an at will employer. Accordingly, both the employee and employer are free to terminate the employment relationship without cause or notice. There does not exist any contract or guarantee of employment.

I Accept

By checking "I Accept" you agree to the Terms and Conditions listed above.